Thursday 19 January 2012

The Awakening of Leeowyn Blake By Mary Parker

The Awakening of Leeowyn Blake [The Kahl’Nar Saga #1]
By Mary Parker

From Publisher:
I’m a normal teenager. I have a normal teenage life with normal teenage problems. The summer is my heaven. I live with my mom during the summer months. We stay in her tiny condo in Jacksonville, Florida. My parents split up when I was little. I’m not sure why. My mom never talks about it. Whatever it was, it was bad enough to make my mom pack me up in the middle of the night when I was four years old and run to my Gran’s condo. My mom got the condo after Gran died. From that time on all I had known my entire life was beach life.
Until four years ago.
Until my uncle found me.

Alexia’s Review:
The Awakening of Leeowyn Blake has an epic storyline, completely original and it captures your interest from the get go. I really enjoyed this book! What a page turner!

Lee (short for Leeowyn) is a young girl thrown into a whole new world where she has to prove her worth. I am so amazed at how she handled herself and everything going on around her. As a teenager you’d expect her to throw a fit, stomp her foot and have a total freak out session - Lee was exactly the opposite. Yes, it was a major shock finding out that she’s ‘different’, but she totally blew me away with handling the situation in such a mature manner! She’s freaking awesome! Enough said!

I love all the characters in this novel, each one of them play a big role in Lee’s life. They kept many secrets from her and wouldn’t tell her anything, and she just dealt with it – I for one, would’ve thrown a fit and demanded to know what’s going on if I was in her situation. I take my hat off to her. Lee now has major responsibilities resting on her shoulders and I can’t wait to find out how she deals with everything. She has already shown great potential and I’m sure she’ll knock my socks off in the next book of The Kahl’Nar Saga.

Now, I usually always have something to say about the male characters in books, but honestly, I don’t know how I feel about the guys in this novel. At first I thought the hunk showing interest in Lee was yummy and had good intentions, but as the story progressed… it was like a bucket of ice cold water was thrown onto me! I can’t figure out what his exact intentions are – is he sincere or does he have a hidden agenda? I love that about this book; it is intriguing and fast paced.
Delicious – make mine a double

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